2. Show your banner to a family member and ask him/her to give feedback on your
a. One to two things he/she likes about your banner:
b. One to two things that you need to improve in your banner:
answer : A po Yung sagot basta yan na
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Free reflection printables with three different layouts. My self-reflection journal. Daily reflection in my bullet journal. bullet journal inspo, bullet
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Journal reflective tagalog examples journaling marissa rehder. A guide to reflective journaling. Reflective journal
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Journal reflection. Reflection: a digital guided journal. Week 27: reflection (the bullet journal method book club) — tiny ray of
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Reflective journal unit 1.. Plan a self reflection day. Media literacy
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Reflective journaling. Student reflection journal by lauren fairclough. Journal reflective tagalog examples journaling marissa rehder