How Does These Stories Illustrate The Element Of Trust Found In Fai…

How does these stories illustrate the element of trust found in faith?

Some English botanists once visited Switzerland to collect rare mountain flowers. Looking over a cliff they saw some rare plants about twenty feet (six meters) below. The botanists turned to a young boy who had been watching them and said, “Boy, let us tie a rope around your waist and lower you to the ledge below. After digging up two plants, we will pull you up again. We will pay you for your trouble.” The boy answered, “I will do it.” However, he ran down the mountain to the valley below. Soon he returned with a man. “Sirs,” he stated, “this is my father. If you will let him hold the rope, I will go down and get the plants for you.”

When Dr. John Paton was translating the New Testament into the language of the South Sea Islanders, he could not find a native word for “faith.” One day as he was working in his study, one of the natives came in, hot and tired from a long, strenuous walk. As he dropped into a chair, he used a native word meaning, “I am resting my full weight here.” Instantly, Dr. Paton grasped this word as the one he needed for “faith.” To “rest my full weight” upon something is to fully believe and trust – to have faith – that it will support me. Now as we can observe in the Scripture, it does not always speak of faith in God and His Word in the

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sorry po hindi ko po alam


pa anwer po ng question ko sa pilipino pls