Shade By Theodosia Garrison The Kindliest Thing God Ever Made, His Hand Of Very Heali…


by Theodosia Garrison
The kindliest thing God ever made,
His hand of very healing laid
Upon a fevered world, is shade.
His glorious company of trees,
Throw out their manties, and on these
The dust- stained wanderer finds ease.
Green temples, closed against the beat
Of noontide’s blinding glare and heat.
Open to any pilgrim’s feet.
This is God’s hospitality
And who so rests beneath a tree
Hath cause to thank Him gratefully.

Comprehension Check-up (Self-Check)

1. What is the poem all about?
2. How many stanzas are there in the poem?
3. What words rhyme at the end lines in the poem?
4. What kind of rhythmic pattern do you notice in the poem?
5. How does this poem make you feel? Why?​


1: religion

2: 4

thats all i know lmfao

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